Welcome to the NAACP - Missouri City & Vicinity Branch's website. As you review this site, I hope that you will quickly come to realize the dedication, effort, and sacrifices that many NAACP members have made in the past, and continue to make daily, are still very relevant and significant. When I see groups of mostly dedicated volunteers, working as they do to keep this a vibrant organization functioning and fighting for equality and striving to maximize opportunities for all… this gives me hope.
Many NAACP members have been in the game, the fight for justice, a very long time – 40, 50 years and more. It’s hard for me to believe that W.E.B. DuBois and the founding members of the NAACP in 1909 thought the NAACP would still be needed in 2020. But when you consider Slavery dates back to 1619, when the first Africans arrived as slaves in Jamestown, moving towards 400 years ago; you have to start considering that maybe there will always be a fight for equality and justice in some way, by someone!
I hope that you will consider joining our Branch if you are not currently a member. We are committed to continuing the fight against discrimination. We hope that we can start to live in the vision of what could be, rather than suffer under adverse circumstances that may now exist. We welcome your help, your vision, and your input on how the Missouri City and Vicinity Branch of the NAACP can best benefit and serve the COMMUNITY.
Linda Coleman
Your Branch President